Creativity and Mātauranga Māori: Towards Tools for Innovation
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This report was written in 2007 by Charles Royal for the Hui Taumata Trust. The report was one a number of initiatives advanced by the Trust following the Hui Taumata of 2005. The overall purpose of the report is to:
- Assert the creative potential of mātauranga Māori - its ability to sustain and support creative activity and to inspire the creation of mātauranga Māori derived and/or inspired products, processes, systems and services.
- Encourage the development of a culture of mātauranga Māori inspired creativity and innovation, particularly (but not solely) within iwi/Māori communities, and one which finds an appropriate relationship between social justice, cultural restoration and cultural creativity.
- Offer assistance to iwi based business and companies that wish to use aspects of iwi knowledge in their creative activities. Given that much of mātauranga Māori is the cultural property of iwi, hapū and whānau, it will be their enterprises that will be the key vehicles for the creativity and innovation advocated by the report.
- Offer assistance to non-iwi located businesses ('Māori businesses') that also wish to utilise aspects of mātauranga Māori in their activities. It is possible to suggest that there exists an amount of non-iwi specific or located mātauranga Māori that can be utilised for innovation and entrepreneurial purposes. This is knowledge that finds some source and foundation in iwi/hapū knowledge but was/is created within the milieu of the urbanisation of Māori and/or without a specific iwi consciousness.
The report is divided into three parts:
- An Introduction to Mātauranga Māori
- Towards a Culture of Mātauranga Māori inspired Creativity
- Towards Tools for Mātauranga Māori Innovation
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Creativity and Mātauranga Māori: Towards Tools for Innovation
By Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal
Published by the Hui Taumata Trust in 2007
(c) Hui Taumata Trust 2007
ISBN: 0-475-12301-8
(C) C Royal 2007. Except for quoting for research purposes, no part or whole maybe reproduced in any form without permission.